
Simple guidelines for making healthy choices.

Simple guidelines for making healthy choices.

Happy New Year readers!  Many people are currently flooding their local fitness centers and produce aisles, fueled by the motivation of the promises they've made to themselves to get healthier this year.  As I've said in the past fitness is not simply exercising, it...

Holiday eating made simple!

Holiday eating made simple!

In preparation for the holidays you don’t have to diet, hit the gym more than normal or even avoid your favorite holiday meals.  Let’s take a look at how you can relieve some of your waistband concerns about holiday eating. "what you think you are eating and what...

The Taboo About Diets

The Taboo About Diets

"...diets are no longer a matter of 'to eat or not to eat?' ...rather they become a behavior of making the proper choices between WHAT to eat and what NOT to eat." We have done an excellent job in America of tabooing the word diet to mean something bad.  To mean "I...

More than a workout; Fitness is a lifestyle!

More than a workout; Fitness is a lifestyle!

Movement is the key to life. We've become such a sedative society which is why we have so many health issues. We have all the knowledge, all the research and resources, yet we are the unhealthiest country in the world right now. Think about it... People come from all...

Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go!

I always had this innate feeling towards fitness. It all came very naturally to me, almost like I had done it before. I never felt like a fish out of water in the gym. As a 5th grader growing up playing football in Chicago, Illinois, I was able to utilize the weight...