My name is Austin Spatorico, and I want to start off by saying how unique and welcoming Body Blocks is for new member, interns, and employees.

I am a senior at Canisius College graduating this coming spring with a degree in Sports and Exercise Health Care with a minor in Strength and Conditioning. One requirement that I needed to complete to graduate was completing an internship at a location relevant to my desired field (I aspire to be a Strength and Conditioning coach). One of my club hockey teammates at Canisius recommended I check out Body Blocks Fitness; stating it had a great atmosphere, friendly members and employees, and a wealth of knowledge to learn from – he could not have been more correct.

I have been with Body Blocks since September of 2021 when I just started out shadowing at the facility where I quickly discovered it was more than “just a gym”. The first thing that caught my attention was some of the unique equipment that they had and utilized to optimize results and benefits for members – including power plates, TRX bands, spinal motion machine and more. All of the equipment is not for show, but is strategically used by a highly trained and knowledgeable staff during a member’s personal training session. Throughout my time, Bob Bateson (owner/personal trainer) and Nick Navarro (personal trainer/nutrition specialist) have trained and taught me how to use this equipment in a workout regimen. Resources like this and Bob and Nick’s expertise on personal training and session development makes Body Blocks a great place for anyone to join their fitness journey.

Body Blocks also does a lot more than your basic resistance and cardiovascular training. They pride themselves on their unique and easily accessible recovery methods – including an infrared sauna, Normatec recovery equipment, Ozone recovery, and even more. Not only will the staff here help you on how to train and exercise properly, but they have a wealth of knowledge on how to properly rest and recover your body when you are not working out; which is a very important fitness aspect a lot of people neglect (myself included until now). Ever since I began training using these methods myself I have found immediate results in areas that I desired.

The most noticeable thing I have found during my internship is the overall atmosphere of the staff and the members. It has always been said to any employee working in any facility to be kind and be friendly, however Body Blocks goes above and beyond those expectations. The repour and friendly relationships that are made not only between staff and members but within the members themselves helps Body Blocks feel more like a club with a welcoming family environment than like a place to just work. The number of smiles and friendly conversations and gestures I have seen on a daily basis is incredible and really makes coming into work feel more like a leisure activity than a job. Bob and Nick are extremely talented at knowing how to relate to the members and other staff members, but also know when it is time to train and get to work. This is one of the biggest reasons why I would recommend this internship opportunity to anyone who asks for advice.

As for myself after graduation I will be working for and power skating company for hockey players. We work with athletes ages 7 to adult with skill levels ranging from beginners to professionals, working on proper technique for powerful and efficient skating. Unfortunately, this job will include a lot of traveling time for me, meaning my time at Body Blocks will be few and far between. However, I am extremely excited to take my knowledge of personal training and strength and conditioning that I have developed here during my internship and applying it to specific athletes in a specific sport in order to improve their physical capabilities. Not only will I use this knowledge for athletes I will be working with but will also use this knowledge for my own training as well.